Leveraging Diagnostic Lab Management Software for Business Growth

Increased efficiency is one of the crucial factors that every business people require. When there is a business running efficiently, it indicates a decrease in waste and an increase in profits, and this results in a healthy bottom line. There are different types of diagnostic lab management software tools that small business owners can use to enhance the efficiency of their operations. 

Whether you are an accountant, who is looking for QuickBooks in the belief that it holds the right software to make a more significant difference for a better business outcome or an engineer who is in search of trying out the PCB design software, below are the 5 best ways in which the software will help the small business owners to take their business to the topper level. 

Five ways to grow your business through Diagnostic software: 

Here are some ways through which you can improve your small business with the diagnostic software. 

Maintaining a healthy relationship with the customers:

The software solutions for small businesses enable you to manage a healthy relationship with the customers and also enhance your sales process dramatically in a better way. You can form prospects and customer databases and also acquire the right to update them in the right and real-time when you gather more information about every contact. The software business tools also help in providing the ability to send emails to the connection, so it's easy to keep up with the marketing. It also provides the capability to send emails to customers and prospects and also track how many times you keep in contact or communicate with your contacts or customers. 

Creating invoices and quotes: 

You will be able to create invoices and quotes and attach them to particular contacts or customers so that there is no chance for valuable documents to be missed. Apart from this, all details and orders are captured in real-time in case your invoices and quotes are integrated with the platform of your business. You can also stay aware of all the products and services your contacts or customers asked to purchase, which will help you to sell more and keep organized in the future leading to higher revenue. 

Follow sales leads:

With the help of the right sales management software, you will be able to follow sales leads accurately and quickly, and you need to contact your prospects who have requested a quote before. If you are ready with sound strategies that can reach your end-of-year sales goals, people who are interested once in the offer you place but have not purchased with you can start with it. 

Project creation and tracking:

It's easy to build and track projects at every process stage easily through reputed small business management software. If you have different types of systems to manage your works and projects, there is no possibility of linking with the costs or customers. In case you have a single system, then it's easy and quick to view expenses or link with any project or customers and also send the invoice for the appropriate projects. 

Shortening the task of the employees:

With the help of time tracking software, the employees can efficiently finish their timesheets and also can be easily accessed by owners and managers. This enables a streamlined system, especially for calculating all types of wages. With the help of small business software, you can also use shared calendars to track how much human capital is present for any project. 

Apart from this, there are many kinds of software available that offer you the capability to combine any process in your organization or company. Also, it is 100% assured that your small business runs easily when there is just one solution that acts as a one-stop solution for project management, marketing, sales, and invoicing.
It's easy to select the right laboratory software for your small business to increase your revenue by researching the best diagnostic software online. You need to focus on all the advantages, and essential specifications available to make the software more efficient and better for your small business before choosing the best small business software for you.

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Going wrong in experiments taking place in laboratories is usual, but proper attention and planning can help prevent damaged reputations, wasted resources, and unnecessary accidents. Below are some reasons why laboratories fail and what can be done to stop them. 

A shortfall of orientation with the Business:
Bell Labs, Xerox PARC, and other legendary labs can evoke images of complete isolation and extreme secrecy from the core business. Split-up sorting is significant in the case of organizations where rules and regulations head to balance new ideas. In this case, split-up remains as a rare problem. 
The issue inclines that the labs do not have a clear strategy planned with the organization. You can see most of the labs offers kombucha by installing kegs on tap to acquire the creative things beginning and then start to evaluate with only a finite conception of their goals. Some of the team in the labs are not sure that they are charged with disruption or serving the core business. 

The committee members and leaders should consider the importance of opening a lac, decide on how the lab will benefit or interrupt the present and future Business, should plan for a remedy in the case of disruption, prepare the works for how the new ideas are going to be executed, and more. The planning and other steps can be successful if it's made with the following considerations. 

  • Vitality: Making clear and creative goals for the lab will assist both company leaders and stakeholders in understanding the intent and direction of the development vision. 
  • Growth: Let's imagine, you have come up with an idea that is validated as well as requires growing outside of the lab. Now, where will you get the additional support for the plan? There are a few options like going back to an accelerator, an incubator, or into the core business. Possibly, troublemaking innovations will go outside of the core enterprises, as it can be developed in a further way and also secured from business-as-usual fingerprints and corporate antibodies. 
  • People: People with purpose and passions are considered to be the heart of the most influential development initiatives as there is no chance for the lab to support the stakeholders who come up with new ideas and implement them in unchartered territory. 

Lack of team balance: 
Some people have good intentions and knowledge of the industry but fail as they do not have any idea how innovation works. Possibly, the leaders of this type deal with the development and changes as they deal with a problem in the core business. This will lead to more significant incremental improvements. 
The other way the lab fails is when they are staffed merely by a team of external tycoons, whose only thinking is to set fire to conventional forms of operating burns bridges along with the organization. It means the people know the steps to build a business or launch startups but will miss the internal networks and knowledge needed to handle corporate networks. 

It's essential to take a diverse team to be more successful at your organization. You also need people outside the enterprise, but you need to make sure that they possess different skills including employees for long with a passion for development, creativity and also should know the working nature of the company. 
It's not much easy to maintain this balance, but you need to make it happen. The practical development team in or out of the lab needs to be diverse and purpose-driven in terms of background, function, and cognitive style. 

The shortfall of metrics to trace success: 
Innovation needs unique and creative thinking around economic support. Labs require space to incubate, evolve, or iterate new ideas. Return and financial need to be tracked over time and also should be insisted in advance even if your lab acts as a cost center that is mandated to experiment over the longer term. 

Apart from this, there are some other essential things for the laboratories failing like Undervaluing ROI (Return on Investment), hiring extremes, building vs buying, meaningless hackathons, inflated expectations, the CTO/CINO/CIO dilemma, undue focus on interruption, poor project management, a big plan with no stepping stones, ignoring people by focusing on technology, and more. 

Do you have any other suggestions to stop the laboratories from failing?
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Why Many laboratories Fail And...

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As labs are updated and become more modern, better methods of data management and record-keeping may be necessary to maintain or improve efficiency.  Luckily, there is a means to achieve this: Laboratory Information Management Systems, or LIMS.

With the increase in disease and the growth in the medical diagnosis sector, the number of samples collected is increasing day by day. With the help of Machine interfacing, labs can handle a large volume of samples easily, increasing the efficiency of sample processing and the quality of lab reports.

Types of Machine Interfacing in Laboratory Information Management System(LIMS):

Uni-Directional Instruments:

Overview: Uni-directional instruments operate on a one-way communication system, facilitating the seamless transfer of information from the samples to the Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS). In this setup, results are stored within the LIMS database upon the completion of the test process. Unlike bi-directional instruments, which support two-way communication, uni-directional instruments focus on unidimensional data flow.

Workflow Process: The workflow involves manual sample placement by the technician, who assumes the responsibility of strategically positioning samples for analysis. Additionally, the technician plays a crucial role in determining the specific type of sampling method to be employed. This hands-on approach ensures that the instrument receives accurate and relevant data for subsequent processing.

Result Storage: Upon completion of the test, the results are systematically stored in the LIMS database. This unidirectional flow of information simplifies data management, with the LIMS acting as a centralized repository for comprehensive result storage. This streamlined process contributes to the efficiency of data retrieval and analysis within the laboratory setting.

Technician Involvement: The technician's involvement is pivotal in the uni-directional instrument setup, as they guide the initial placement of samples and make informed decisions about the sampling technique. This level of manual intervention ensures precision and control over the testing process, aligning with the laboratory's specific requirements and protocols.

Uni-directional instruments, by emphasizing one-way communication and manual input from skilled technicians, contribute to a structured and controlled laboratory environment where data accuracy and integrity are paramount.

Bi-directional Instruments:

Advanced Functionality: Bi-directional instruments represent a higher level of sophistication and advancement in laboratory technology. These instruments possess the capability to not only generate output data reports and results but also feature an Application Programming Interface (API). This advanced functionality enables the seamless exchange of data, information, commands, functions, and worklists with the system.

Output Data Reports: One key feature of bi-directional instruments is their ability to generate comprehensive output data reports. These reports provide a detailed analysis of test results and relevant information, offering a comprehensive view of the findings. The generated reports serve as valuable documentation for further analysis and decision-making processes.

Results Generation: Bi-directional instruments excel at producing accurate and timely results. The dual communication capabilities allow for efficient data transfer, ensuring that results are not only generated promptly but also transmitted seamlessly to the designated system or database.

Application Programming Interface (API): A defining feature of bi-directional instruments is the inclusion of an Application Programming Interface (API). This interface facilitates the exchange of data, information, and commands between the instrument and the broader laboratory system. The API functionality enhances interoperability, enabling the instrument to import and export data with ease.

Enhanced Connectivity: Bi-directional instruments contribute to enhanced connectivity within the laboratory ecosystem. The ability to import data, information, commands, functions, and worklists through the API fosters a dynamic and integrated environment. This connectivity streamlines laboratory processes, promoting efficiency and accuracy in data handling.

Our LIMS System sends commands to the sampling unit on the type of sampling to be conducted with the given sample. After the testing is done by the LIMS command, the results are auto-fetched on the LIMS Server. The bi-directional instruments are interfaced with the LIMS system programmatically.

The Need to Interface Instruments with LIMS Software:

There are several reasons why it is beneficiary to interface lab instruments with LIMS Software. Let us look into a few reasons here:

Increase in Productivity by Effective Machine Utilization:

Interfacing your instruments with your LIMS Software is a one-time investment of cost and work with a repetitive increase in lab productivity and effectiveness. Interfacing LIMS Software with your lab instruments removes many complexities like manual entering of data every time or referring data from other instruments to the LIMS. This altogether saves a lot of time and effort when done by a LIMS rather than manually, also avoiding any human errors during data entry.

Utilizing machines effectively can increase productivity drastically.  When the task is done manually, very few samples are completely analyzed in the given period, but with MI they can perform many sample processing and that will increase machine utilization and increase revenue.

Increase in Data Quality by Reducing Manual Errors:

The second best reason for interfacing your lab instruments with your LIMS Software is the increase in data quality and integrity. As a human, we are eligible to commit human errors that might not be over-influential over the system as a whole but might still be considered an error. By removing human interference, these errors are avoided thereby guaranteeing better data transfer in the system.

Similarly, transcribing data into the system by people can also lead to common errors affecting the quality of data. Data integrity is considered a very important issue in laboratories. By interfacing your instruments to your LIMS System, you will eliminate this issue.

Saves Time in output generation thereby satisfying the patients:

Machine Interfacing helps to analyze the given samples at a faster rate and generates quality results within a shorter duration of time. After the result processing is done, the report will be generated manually.

With the use of MI, ultimate patient satisfaction can be achieved by generating the results in a quick manner with good quality.

Machine interfacing in laboratories is more of a comfort rather than a negative factor. What might be a one-time investment in your labs can save a lot of time and work when interfaced properly with your systems.

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The healthcare industry, like any other industry, is not self-reliant. Since this is an ever-evolving industry there's no stopping for the challenges that arise or the solutions for it. One such healthcare solution is the Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS). The Laboratory management system has been providing healthcare solutions for the industry, over the past couple of decades: but what it is?

LIMS Software And What Does It Do?

The Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) Software started as a system to keep a record of test samples, their results, and all other particulars of donor and patient samples.  From the point of its inception, the laboratory management system followed the traditional methods of manual labelling and record-keeping; it was followed only until the introduction of computers to healthcare solutions.

Ever since the Laboratory Information Management System has been on a course of upward trajectory.

As the computers evolved so did software. Dedicated LIMS software packages began appearing with tweaks and new features every time. The LIMS software today is so reliable that once a test sample is collected in the lab or patient's house, it is taken to a pathology laboratory and given a tag, it is almost impossible to lose track of it. The LIMS software packages can manage and update the progress in tests and can also update the results of the tests to the database in real-time.

To put it in simple words:

A laboratory Information management system, shortly known as LIMS, is a software that is used to help lab faculties in collecting samples, processing, and delivering reports to patients. It acts as an interface between the lab faculties and the database where all the information and essential details are stored. This includes all the tests conducted under a particular facility.

LIMS Network:

In its early days, the laboratory management system was an isolated off-network system. But as technology paved the way for more advanced secure networking, the Laboratory Information Management System stepped into the next-gen of healthcare solutions.

Standalone LIMS Software:

Even though the Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) Software provides easy access to the information from the database, it isn't enough. Its information resource was limited to that one particular facility alone. The limitations of a standalone laboratory management system include:

  • Limitations in the storage capacity of the database servers.
  • The maintenance of servers at the healthcare facility itself involves difficulties.
  • Medical procedures that involve referral to different locations will require the carrying of physical records; which is an inconvenience again.
  • However the chances are less: if the servers go down it is almost impossible to recover the data unless there is a backup, which will require additional servers.
  • Since standalone laboratory management systems are not cloud-based, sharing patient reports via App, SMS, or Email is restricted.

Since there are technologies developed already to overcome these limitations, they should be employed immediately.

LIMS Software on the Cloud:

Cloud storage is a powerful technology than it sounds. Cloud storage has virtually no limits on the storage capacity, thereby immensely supporting the laboratory information management system and other healthcare solutions.

  • The data centres provide a larger bandwidth to access the servers. That is more than enough to provide trafficless access.
  • Since the cloud servers have multiple redundant systems, there is always a backup, and data loss is not a thing to worry about.
  • The centralized data centre for the laboratory management system makes it possible to access data from anywhere in the world with authorization.
  • The maintenance of these servers is extremely cost-effective compared to the standalone LIMS Software.
  • As LIMS is cloud-based, it can connect multiple stakeholders. You can also have control over sample tracking, processing, and delivery. And there is easy scalability in business.

Patient Accessibility:

The interconnection of LIMS software servers also introduces the patients to the inside of the Laboratory Information Management System. Since the LIMS software made the information easily accessible, the patients can easily keep track of their records. This also helps patients to keep their health records up to date with no effort.  

LIMS Beyond Limits:

The LIMS software, even though started as a record-keeping and managing healthcare solution, has now evolved into a state of complete management solution. It has given a massive boost to the administration of healthcare facilities and also the financial management of healthcare centres.

Machine Interfacing in LIMS:

The LIMS software acts as an interface between the laboratory equipment and other devices. The Laboratory Information Management System is capable of interfacing with the database in real-time to import and export data. It also acts as an interface between multiple devices within the lab for better coordination.

For instance, an MRI scanner is only a scanning machine with an image display unit and a control unit. But, with the LIMS software machine interface, the data from the scanner can be stored directly in the database to the respective patient name. It helps the doctors to analyze the data whenever required.

Time Management:

Time management is one of the most challenging objectives of management. The LIMS software used in today's healthcare facilities provides day-to-day management solutions besides healthcare solutions.  

  • The LIMS software can make schedules for doctors and specialists. It also helps in scheduling follow-ups and cancellations of appointments at the request of patients through IVRs and websites.
  • Since there is always a demand for time slots to access laboratory equipment and devices, including high-cost scanners which are a rare resource, LIMS software can schedule their time slots most effectively.

In addition to these, the Laboratory Information Management System also has the in-house pharmacy records maintained, notifying the maintenance of laboratory equipment and other services.

The AI of LIMS and its future:

The future of the Laboratory Information Management System has already shown us a glimpse of what it is capable of over the years.

AI is the future of every field and the Laboratory Information Management System is no exception. The introduction of LIMS software to artificial intelligence can automate pretty much everything in the laboratory management system and improve the quality of healthcare solutions. Smart labs will be the newest addition to the list of healthcare solutions by the LIMS software.

The advancements in various supporting fields such as microfluidics, biometrics, lab-on-a-chip technologies, and their automation have ensured the steady progress of the Laboratory Information Management system. The day is not far when the AI Laboratory Information Management System (AI LIMS) will be working along with humans and serving humanity.

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In every industry, modern laboratories are under pressure to enhance operational efficiency, decrease costs, control regulatory compliance, and improve quality. Apart from this, the rise of CRO (Contract Research Organization) and R&D externalization strategies in the industry of pharmaceuticals has led to laboratories gathering enormous data from different partners, preceding a significant increase in the complexity of lab workflow.

LIMS (Laboratory Information Management System) and informatics Solutions are being used in the pharmaceutical industry to meet these challenges. The main reason why cloud-based LIMS is preferred is due to its advanced features like 

● Decreased cost,

● Automatic software updates,

● Disaster and backup recovery services,

● Rapid implementation of LIMS,

● Flexibility,

● Security,

● Accessibility,

● Collaborations. 

One of the successful Laboratory solutions and laboratory report software used by most users is SaaS. Let's explore the SaaS in depth below. 

What is SaaS?

SaaS(Software as a Service), is one of the software distribution models and types of cloud computing like IaaS and PaaS. The third-party provider hosts the program rather than downloading and installing the software to run on your PC. Once the software is hosted, it's accessed over the internet by users via a web user interface.

Why SaaS, a cloud-based LIMS, is perfect for your lab? 

SaaS, pathology management software provides plenty of excellent benefits that make it the preferred option of every lab. According to the Forrester Research Inc. survey held last year, 15% of SMB (Small to Medium Businesses) and 16% of the larger organizations make use of SaaS. Compared to the previous year's research, the larger enterprise has seen a 33% increase in the Usage of SaaS. Considering the smaller enterprise, they have seen a 50% increase in SaaS. Below are some reasons to state why Cloud-based LIMS is the right option for your laboratory. 

Hosting Options:

Few providers provide the private cloud option that can host within your facility. The private cloud option offers different SaaS LIMS benefits but with fewer security risks. A cloud is public; either it can be private, single-tenant, or multi-tenant. It's easier to validate the single-tenant cloud when compared to the multi-tenant as they are less prone to intrusion or data leakage. 

Data Integrity and Audit Trails:

A permanent audit trail is vital for addressing different concerns in data integrity, both from the perspective of product and regulatory quality. You need to ensure that your SaaS LIMS holds a detailed and reliable audit trail for every piece of information. You also need to make sure that the data is maintained continuously on the various servers rather than on the data itself.

Apart from that, you need to ensure that your provider has set their system default to store a completely reliable and flexible audit trail. It also controls the network logs and detailed server. It offers data center third-party auditing insurance. You need to ensure your SaaS LIMS is capable of integrating with the other informatics systems and with your instruments.

Service Level Agreement:

You must develop a Service Level Agreement with your provider who will be able to address all of the above-concerned areas and more. A Service Level Agreement that is well written is capable of making the variation between a smooth execution & roll out of your SaaS time overruns, cost, and a few of the unexpected expenses incurred.


When dealing with a SaaS Laboratory Management System, you will depend upon your providers to secure your pieces of information as it is going to be stored in the cloud. Almost every cloud service provider offers excellent security for your valuable data.

Even though the data breach risk is less, few organizations that belong to heavily regulated areas hesitate to enable their information to move away from their firewall. Make sure you have evaluated the policies of your security thoroughly. It means you have your data secured adequately before working with SaaS LIMS.


The important compliance responsibility with every regulation resets with the service provider or manufacturer. Most of the vendors advertise these cloud-based SaaS LIMS as a prevalidated system. But this refers to the network of cloud providers. You need to ensure that you get clear about the meaning of the prevalidated system by the vendor. Also, you need to know what scope is covered so that you can know your system is executed in the right way in the user environment.

Apart from that, SaaS LIMS cloud providers handle every clinical laboratory software patch and upgrade. It ensures that you utilize the system's recent version. You need to understand who should manage revalidation once there is an upgrade or patches take place. 

Business Continuity:

You need to understand how data recovery and backup can be handled, and also explore who is the reason and responsible for it. The details of the guarantee like service, response time, hardware, uptime, etc. provided by the provider should be stated clearly in the SLA (Service Level Agreement). Apart from that, the Service Level Agreement should contain the details of recovery and backup services that are included. Also, it should hold the cost incurred by exploring a few of the optional services.

System Failover:

There can't be anyone who didn't use Google. For instance, what will happen in case a rogue asteroid crashes into the server farms of Google? Nothing happens. Airtight failover technology and Mirrored servers indicate that the news service will display the crater's aerial photos, which once acted as the server farm. High availability and uptime are included in the terms & conditions of the cloud deals that are negotiated in any form.

Instrument Interfacing:

The complexity of the SaaS LIMS is challenging. Private, hosted, and On-Premises cloud LIMS is capable of handling instrument interfacing in the same manner. It is difficult to understand the SaaS LIMS cloud providers' ability, track record, and philosophy when you deal with the instrument interface.

Economics of Scale:

SaaS LIMS cloud providers provide you with more or less due to the technology's specialized use. As many customers utilize identical resources at the same cost, data centers, are slashed, and then the savings are passed to the customer. 

Bottom Line:

In the past few years, technology providers have developed cloud-based SaaS LIMS based on market demand. SaaS LIMS enables to facilitate enhanced scalability, agility, innovation, and connectivity across the lab environment. It helps to increase efficiency in operation as well as decrease cost. The decision to make use of a cloud-based SaaS LIMS will be taken into step by a mix of various concerns like regulatory, operations, and security. The best way to ensure that your corporation benefits the higher from a SaaS approach to a laboratory information management system is to work with a top-notch informatics consultant.

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